process / Collaboration

Daily Standup

Daily Scrum is an important practice that helps everyone on a team stay in a loop.

When giving an update on Daily Scrum, make sure to cover 3 key areas:

  • what have you worked on since last time we met
  • what you will be working on next
  • raise any blockers or issues

There are 3 simple rules that will help you participate in a Daily Scrum efficiently:

  1. Prepare your update before the call Write it down in your favorite notes app and use it on a call. This way you don't have to remember all the things you worked on yesterday or planning to work on tomorrow.
  2. In addition to ticket number, mention what the ticket is about.
  3. If Daily Scrum is synchronous (i.e. on a video or voice call) after giving an update yourself, hand over to your teammate.


Today I worked on ticket CORE-123, which is about adding new API endpoint to expose customer's payment methods, tomorrow as part of this ticket I plan to add tests and then send the ticket to code review. Thanks, next is John.

When you’re unable to attend stand up, make sure to post your updated before stand up happens.

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