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Product vision describes the purpose and reason for creating a product and aligns it with the business goals of the organization. The product vision serves as a starting point for communicating your idea. Teams use it as a "North Pole" when having to make certain decisions. It is a key element to ensure strategic alignment across the team and organization.
First of all, you need to collect key information from the market, competitors and analyze it. Then you can answer the following questions:
Remember, your product vision shouldn't be abstract or too big and complex. Your product vision should be written clearly and simply so that the team understands what needs to be done and what not.
The above are just examples of the questions that you should answer when creating a product vision. Depending on the product and the goals of the organization, the questions themselves and their number may vary. Therefore, you do not need to get hung up on specific questions, thereby driving yourself into a framework, from which it will be difficult to get out later.